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Gregory Avatar 
2617 posts
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17 Jun 2016 at 11:52
Over 8 years ago


Great minds and all that.

Is that as thin as it can be based on the components required inside it?

Jimbobslimbob Avatar 
4648 posts
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17 Jun 2016 at 12:06
Over 8 years ago


Mostly, yes. Unfortunately thrusters take up a good proportion of the ships width (it's very manoeuvrable), hence the bulges on the side. Everything inside is quite compact with little-to-no wasted space. The only thing you could potentially cut down on to reduce the size, is the small garden inside - which is not 100% needed, but I like to be self-sufficient.

You can have a ganders yourself tonight Greg - if you like it you can make a blueprint copy to spawn one for yourself (yes, this game has the ability to dupe and save ships - which is very handy), or alternatively just build one from scratch with that as a guideline, your call. Since you are new to the game, it can be difficult to build a good first ship - you never know what you actually need it to have in-game. The Wedge was a result of making the minimum required to act as a all-in-one ship.

Last edited 17 Jun 2016 at 12:09.

Gregory Avatar 
2617 posts
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17 Jun 2016 at 15:46
Over 8 years ago


Haven't managed to escape work as early as I thought I would. Should be with you by 8ish

Jimbobslimbob Avatar 
4648 posts
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18 Jun 2016 at 09:28
Over 8 years ago


What did you think of it then Greg? Myself and The Good Captain had a chin wag after you left and he seemed to really enjoy it. It did not seem like you were in a similar boat though...?

On the plus side, Battle Cruiser Slimbob was a great success. Really happy with how it turned out. Got shit loads of resources last night too. At one point I went after a meteor, stood on top and left my phone on my mouse to hold the button down while I went for a piss. It's the only way to (not) be sure!

Dyson also made good progress on your base and seemed to grasp the mechanics very quickly.

Last edited 18 Jun 2016 at 09:29.

Gregory Avatar 
2617 posts
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20 Jun 2016 at 08:01
Over 8 years ago


It was good fun. I would have liked to have seen more scope with the ship design but I will get over it. 

Jimbobslimbob Avatar 
4648 posts
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20 Jun 2016 at 09:26
Over 8 years ago


That's good, myself and G-Man were worried that you were not too enthused with it.

On another note, the alien base raid went well. Sure, I lost the front of my ship 3 times, along with various other things, but we got there with a little persistence. Bit of a shame that our turrets blew up all the loot really. Hey-ho. Live and learn.

Gregory Avatar 
2617 posts
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20 Jun 2016 at 14:16
Over 8 years ago


What's left on the to do list then?

Jimbobslimbob Avatar 
4648 posts
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20 Jun 2016 at 14:28
Over 8 years ago


Well, I was hoping you and G-Man were gonna get on and start/continue building ships and bases so we could help you out with that, although you didn't seem the slightest bit interested the other day, Greg. That would be number one in my eyes.

We also still have planets to explore, and bases to raid (on every planet bar Akua).

I have also been toying about with some potential ideas and thought that some kind of "event" might be a good idea. "What event?", I hear you asking... well...

I head in, in creative mode and spawn a Death Star (from the workshop). Litter the thing with turrets and spawn points, along with adding epic loot containers. Our objective being to secure it without blowing it completely sky-high.

We could do a similar one with a ground base - and build hover-tanks to secure it.

There is also the race-track idea, which could be fun, along with expanding our empire to different planets.

That's off the top of my head, bar just creating stuff. Other than that, there is only a server reset really. We can reset a select planet/location and/or player data, so any number of combinations there as to what we do. If any of you guys fancy creating planets, there is that too (check the wiki). Since both Greg and G-Man missed out on a substantial part of our play-time (we are talking 70+ hours worth), I am not really sure what else I can suggest to you guys.

I myself wanted to design a new SV, as a kind of base-killer, to go with my SS Slimbob. That was probably the thing I was going to do next. It really does depend on Greg and G-Man though, since if you aren't playing it, then myself, John and Meg will probably end up shelving the game for a while I would imagine.


Last edited 20 Jun 2016 at 14:30.

Jimbobslimbob Avatar 
4648 posts
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20 Jun 2016 at 15:27
Over 8 years ago


Well that clears that up then. :-B

Maximus Avatar 
2157 posts
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20 Jun 2016 at 16:39
Over 8 years ago


Patience Jegory i don't have time to reply in essay format at the moment :-).

Personally for me i want to finish designing my CV, spawn it and start exploring the other planets and conquer them.

It might be an idea to leave Akua and Omicron alone but if you can spawn new AI bases and drones on other planets beef up the enemy positions?  It will make it more of a challenge and increase the lifetime of the game.

We might even have to build ourselves a purely combat CV to clear out enemy postions.

Jimbobslimbob Avatar 
4648 posts
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21 Jun 2016 at 08:01
Over 8 years ago


A purely combat CV? Makes little sense - small ships are far better at combat in my experience. Plus, kinda defeats the purpose of an "all-in-one". I think we have enough CV's as it is - all of them can handle combat, although some more than others. However with a little modding they could all do well (in space). In atmos, it's a different story altogether.

Last edited 21 Jun 2016 at 08:02.

Maximus Avatar 
2157 posts
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21 Jun 2016 at 08:35
Over 8 years ago


What do you think about increasing AI on other planets and in orbit?

I finished doing my CV and have put it on to bake so will be done next time i am on :-).  I can let Greg have my Polaris when i have removed all the stuff then i will mod my compact CV so it will be a bit better in combat

Is John going to build that monstrousity he has designed?

Jimbobslimbob Avatar 
4648 posts
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21 Jun 2016 at 08:39
Over 8 years ago


Greg already has the Normandy. No idea about John.

Day off today Meg? You still gotta go to China?

Maximus Avatar 
2157 posts
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21 Jun 2016 at 08:46
Over 8 years ago


No i am at work and yes i still have to go to China flight is tomorrow night :-(

Jimbobslimbob Avatar 
4648 posts
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21 Jun 2016 at 08:49
Over 8 years ago


Shit. That really sucks. When you back?

Maximus Avatar 
2157 posts
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21 Jun 2016 at 09:37
Over 8 years ago


Sunday afternoon with Jetlag probably

Jimbobslimbob Avatar 
4648 posts
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21 Jun 2016 at 10:00
Over 8 years ago


Well I hope you have fun. It sounds like it will be :-b

Jimbobslimbob Avatar 
4648 posts
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23 Jun 2016 at 08:16
Over 8 years ago


Well I had a go at setting up outposts in some of the different planets last night and it went quite well.

I think our general plan for Friday (assuming people are on) is to go raid some bases on Masterdon (the green one - not sure on the name). Hopefully we can get the planet in a more manageable state, because it's murder going anywhere there at present and the bases are tough as hell to do on your own.

The SS Slimbob saw some combat in all this, as did my new "Mini Slimbob", she took a beating but came out okay.

What say you, Gregularse?

Gregory Avatar 
2617 posts
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23 Jun 2016 at 11:00
Over 8 years ago


I should be on. I was thinking that I would be on resource duty. You guys are probably going to need fuck tonnes so as long as I can defend myself I can go out and pick what you guys need for a base.

Jimbobslimbob Avatar 
4648 posts
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23 Jun 2016 at 11:10
Over 8 years ago


Certainly can if you want Greg. It is always needed and will help you level up quickly too. I did get a bit of mining done last night - enough to keep me afloat. Since John and Meg have stepped back with playing the game during the week (I think John has given up completely, not that it's a bad thing), resources became a bit tight for upkeep.

Even so, it would be good experience for you to come with on the raids as well - and also make it easier with three of us. The bases normally have a fair bit of loot, enemies and turrets - all of which are made more difficult to do with less people.

Perhaps a balance between mining and raiding would be the sweet spot for tomorrow night then? What time you on?

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By James (Jimbobslimbob) Compton