Well, I was hoping you and G-Man were gonna get on and start/continue building ships and bases so we could help you out with that, although you didn't seem the slightest bit interested the other day, Greg. That would be number one in my eyes.
We also still have planets to explore, and bases to raid (on every planet bar Akua).
I have also been toying about with some potential ideas and thought that some kind of "event" might be a good idea. "What event?", I hear you asking... well...
I head in, in creative mode and spawn a Death Star (from the workshop). Litter the thing with turrets and spawn points, along with adding epic loot containers. Our objective being to secure it without blowing it completely sky-high.
We could do a similar one with a ground base - and build hover-tanks to secure it.
There is also the race-track idea, which could be fun, along with expanding our empire to different planets.
That's off the top of my head, bar just creating stuff. Other than that, there is only a server reset really. We can reset a select planet/location and/or player data, so any number of combinations there as to what we do. If any of you guys fancy creating planets, there is that too (check the wiki). Since both Greg and G-Man missed out on a substantial part of our play-time (we are talking 70+ hours worth), I am not really sure what else I can suggest to you guys.
I myself wanted to design a new SV, as a kind of base-killer, to go with my SS Slimbob. That was probably the thing I was going to do next. It really does depend on Greg and G-Man though, since if you aren't playing it, then myself, John and Meg will probably end up shelving the game for a while I would imagine.
Last edited 20 Jun 2016 at 14:30.