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Gregory Avatar 
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19 Jan 2015 at 15:49
Over 9 years ago


You guys got any tips for me from your recent adventures?

Jimbobslimbob Avatar 
4648 posts
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19 Jan 2015 at 16:17
Over 9 years ago


Yes: keep your corrosive nads away from the computer.

Or, check out/improve our new base. It's right by a pretty good dungeon to loot and get loadsa resources.

If I can get enough fossils and ore together you can all be rocking some shiny new armour. The gem sword will take a while though methinks... it uses lots of high level stuff.

Last edited 19 Jan 2015 at 16:18.

Jimbobslimbob Avatar 
4648 posts
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19 Jan 2015 at 21:43
Over 9 years ago


I have been pulling my hair out trying to find "Crumpled Leaf" for these new swords. I finally gave in and googled it. I know, I know. Now, this is not too much of a spoiler, since it is pretty much invaluable to know for any of the higher level crafting IMO. So, Here is a link to a page explaining where you can find the various resources.

Basically, if anyone finds an area in the level range 13-20 WITH trees, please let me know so I can get these swords going.

I had a good explore of the island today and the highest outdoor level range I could find was 10... so I may need to go further afield.

Jimbobslimbob Avatar 
4648 posts
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23 Jan 2015 at 09:06
Over 9 years ago


How did you get on after I left last night Meg? Did you like the new armour and sword? ;-)

Maximus Avatar 
2157 posts
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23 Jan 2015 at 10:08
Over 9 years ago


Yes really good a hit lvl 17 before i finished got all the blueprints for fossil armor and also for an ore chest-electric and the collector lvl 6 :-)

So i think i am done on that island i need lvl 20 monsters now to level up i will fly over when i get on hopefully might get to 20 before you come on that should be enough for us to do caves together do you think?

Just saving up for ore armour now i have 29 heavy bars need 60 for chest

Jimbobslimbob Avatar 
4648 posts
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23 Jan 2015 at 10:14
Over 9 years ago


Awesome stuff! That dungeon is great for leveling and resources ain't it?

Sounds like a plan to me. I shall be on around 6-7pm for some "Gravving". :-)

Hopefully I can get my last Night Killer spine so I can make the new pistol... then I will be trying to get the shotgun me-thinks.

Maximus Avatar 
2157 posts
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23 Jan 2015 at 13:03
Over 9 years ago


Yes that dungeon is great for leveling from lvl 10-16

Greg when you get to lvl 10 you will need to spend some time in there

Gregory Avatar 
2617 posts
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27 Jan 2015 at 08:39
Over 9 years ago


You guys making progress with the old Grav then? I keep meaning to find time to get on it and do some levelling but haven't got round to it.

Maximus Avatar 
2157 posts
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27 Jan 2015 at 08:59
Over 9 years ago


Yes getting on well Greg but we are are up near lvl 30 now you need to get on and lvl up some i don't mind helping you for a bit doing that tag system if we do it up the top with lvl 28 monsters you should lvl really fast

Jeg me and James did slim attack and we got lots of blueprints which included me getting one for an element X sword :-) also I hit lvl 28 so am catching you up slowly 

I did have an explore of the island and couldn’t find another lvl 30 area I think the one at the top of the mountain is the only one on the island problem is you need lvl 30 trees to make the sword and there is no bloody trees up there 

I jetpacked straight up really high to see what was about and the only other island you can see is the one we came from. It might be worth going back there and seeing if there is a lvl 30 area or if there are anymore islands might be something to do on Saturday?

Jimbobslimbob Avatar 
4648 posts
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27 Jan 2015 at 09:47
Over 9 years ago


Cool, yes Jimbo filled me in this morning and questioned why I didn't make him Gem Armour. I explained to him how we were supposed to be a "team". :-)

Anyway, good news on the Element-X sword. I bet we are going to have to go harvesting like mad for the stuff now.

Greg, you really do need to get on, as Meg says or we won't really be able to do much together. All 3 of us are 1-2 levels off of 30 now.

Gregory Avatar 
2617 posts
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27 Jan 2015 at 10:21
Over 9 years ago


I will try and get on when I can. Isn’t level 30 the cap? If so I think you guys will be bored of it before I get to the same level.

Jimbobslimbob Avatar 
4648 posts
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27 Jan 2015 at 10:28
Over 9 years ago


There currently is no cap, although the enemies will run dry. The next update promises StarGates to high level moons, so when that comes out we will be sorted. Not to mention we still can craft some higher level stuff which we have not done yet - guns, multi-tools etc. Upshot: we are not finished yet.

Jimbo managed to get from 7 to 25 in about a day of solid play.

Gregory Avatar 
2617 posts
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27 Jan 2015 at 11:36
Over 9 years ago


It’s the enemies that are capped, that’s where the confusion arose. I will try and get some time on it, I am having a bit of a rough time of late so it’s making it a bit difficult. However I will pull my finger out and get on with it.

Jimbobslimbob Avatar 
4648 posts
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27 Jan 2015 at 13:41
Over 9 years ago


Well yacky bra. Rough at work is it? My life is about to go to hell from next week too - since Emma goes back to work. Not looking forward to that!

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By James (Jimbobslimbob) Compton