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Maximus Avatar 
2157 posts
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17 Apr 2013 at 08:57
Over 11 years ago


So i tried this last night and can see how this could be good but i did find it a bit of a struggle. I think the fact i never really played Gary's mod didn't help.

Building a ship and getting into orbit i get but orbital flight is very confusing and might take a bit of time to master.

Might need a quick lesson on it on Friday James bzzzzzzz what are you doing? Sorry went a bit Smithy then back to topic.

Do you gets lots more building options in the full game as i only have the demo at the moment?

I will hold of purchase till after the weekend i think i will have another go at it.

Jimbobslimbob Avatar 
4648 posts
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17 Apr 2013 at 09:40
Over 11 years ago


Cool, yeah it is a bit difficult, but you soon get the hang of it. I think it shows great potential.

On another note - Buy Garry's mod too, Maximus - it is nothing short of EPIC!

Gregory Avatar 
2617 posts
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17 Apr 2013 at 09:45
Over 11 years ago


You get tones of extra bits with the full version. Nuclear engines, landing gear, space station components and loads of other bits. I am sure Greg will give you the grand tour at the weekend

Maximus Avatar 
2157 posts
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17 Apr 2013 at 10:47
Over 11 years ago


You are right Greg i am sure Greg will give me a lesson on Friday

I can also have a look at all the extra stuff you get with the full version. You did get the full version didn't you Greg?

I might get Gary's mod don't know got a lot to play at the moment :-)

Maximus Avatar 
2157 posts
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17 Apr 2013 at 10:56
Over 11 years ago


Sorry Greg was that too many Gregs for you?

Last edited 17 Apr 2013 at 10:57.

Jimbobslimbob Avatar 
4648 posts
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17 Apr 2013 at 11:00
Over 11 years ago


Yes Greg, I did buy it. Will be on it tonight :-)

Gregory Avatar 
2617 posts
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17 Apr 2013 at 11:05
Over 11 years ago


That was a bit of a Greg overload. Have you seen that south park where they go to planet Marklar? There everybody, everything and every event is called Marklar; I feel we are drifting towards this template.

Jimbobslimbob Avatar 
4648 posts
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17 Apr 2013 at 11:07
Over 11 years ago


Never really liked South Park (as I am not that sort of person), so no.

But we are drifting further and further into insanity for sure.

Maximus Avatar 
2157 posts
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17 Apr 2013 at 11:22
Over 11 years ago


Yes i remember that one very funny i do like South Park. I think we may be heading for planet Greg.

Ok Greg i will be on tonight as well so might hop on KSP for a while if it turns out i am that sort of person

Jimbobslimbob Avatar 
4648 posts
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17 Apr 2013 at 11:44
Over 11 years ago


Shiny! Well fire up Mumble and I will be on after din dins for some space missions that will no doubt end in disaster :-)

Maximus Avatar 
2157 posts
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17 Apr 2013 at 11:49
Over 11 years ago


Indeed shiny i will see you on there tonight for some epic explosions :-)

Jimbobslimbob Avatar 
4648 posts
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17 Apr 2013 at 14:02
Over 11 years ago


Found a handy video
showing how to get into a stable orbit. It looks much tidier than the way I did it the other day, so I will be trying it tonight. Thought it may help you out Maximus.

Maximus Avatar 
2157 posts
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17 Apr 2013 at 14:17
Over 11 years ago


Nice one thank you cheers tar for that Greg i will have a look at it when i get home

Jimbobslimbob Avatar 
4648 posts
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18 Apr 2013 at 08:26
Over 11 years ago


I spent several hours last night building spacecraft, only to see them get blown to pieces or abandoning them in space with no fuel, orbiting Earth forever.

So, after about 10+ tries in an attempt to get a ship into a stable orbit, whilst still having some fuel left I finally achieved it. It was a moment of wonder, joy and happiness that I can safely say is the greatest single achievement of my whole life. As such, I have uploaded a picture of the wonderful moment
picture of the wonderful moment

. "Fat Boy" was the name of the craft. You may also see another one in the screenshot - that one unfortunately has no fuel and is doomed to spend the rest of his days circling Earth.

Must say I really enjoy this game. It may be far from finished and have a number of little bugs which make it quite annoying, but it is fun, and unique in a way not many games manage these days.

How did you get on after my tutoring session, Maximus?

Maximus Avatar 
2157 posts
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18 Apr 2013 at 08:50
Over 11 years ago


Yes i did get on better however i have yet to acheive a craft in stable orbit with fuel or just in stable orbit for that matter.

One attempt saw my rocket doing back flips at 10K with was interesting. Another saw the command module only heading off into deep space and still accelerating :-).

I think i need some more tutoring so if you don't mind can we KSP it for a hour or so tomorrow before serious lannage begins?

This game does has a steep learning curve but that makes it all the more satisfying when you get it right. I think i am going to enjoy it glad i got the full game lots more building options.

Also my mate Webby has the demo and said he will be getting the full version soon. So if it goes multiplier someone else to play with if you are that sort of person?

Gregory Avatar 
2617 posts
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18 Apr 2013 at 09:07
Over 11 years ago


Glad you are both enjoying it. Once my new system arrives and I can run it without it turning into a slide show I will be right back on it.

A fun thing to do is to try and get a lunar rover on the moon, you can't do a lot whilst there but it good fun trying to get it there!

Jimbobslimbob Avatar 
4648 posts
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18 Apr 2013 at 09:12
Over 11 years ago


My next task is to go to the moon. I did it in the tutorial, but my skills have obviously not reached that level yet. Is there any wisdom you can impart to us to help me achieve this goal?

Jimbobslimbob Avatar 
4648 posts
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18 Apr 2013 at 09:14
Over 11 years ago


EDIT: Re-posted in new topic, here.

Been putting together a 'cheatcheet', both for my own memory and to help others. I will add to this when I learn more. If I get anything wrong, or you have an additional tip, better description then please post away!


Indicates the spacecraft's current trajectory (forwards). This is shown by a circle with 3 lines and a dot in the middle. Prograde will make your orbit bigger and achieves orbit. "Burning prograde" will raise your apoapsis (highest point of orbit). Most burns will have the most effect at the opposite end of the orbit.

Indicates the spacecraft's reverse trajectory (backwards). This is shown by a circle with 3 lines and a "x" in the middle. Retrograde will make your orbit smaller and achieves landing. "Burning retrograde" will lower your apoapsis (highest point of orbit). Most burns will have the most effect at the opposite end of the orbit.

Apoapsis (AP)
The point where the distance between an orbiting object and the body it is orbiting around is greatest.

Periapsis (PE)
The point where the distance between an orbiting object and the body it is orbiting around is least.

The cumulative change in velocity required to perform a manoeuvre. This is expressed in metres per second. Essentially it's a guide for how much fuel you need.

Asparagus Staging
The idea is that you create a rocket with a lot of parallel rocket engines with fuel tanks on top of them. All engines ignite at the same time. The trick, however, is that each rocket engine isn't depleting its own tank, but they are all draining their fuel from the two outmost tanks. When these are depleted, the outmost tanks with their engines are decoupled and the next fuel tank takes over which is still completely full. The result is that the rocket always flies with the minimum number of tanks required to transport the fuel it has left while also constantly using all engines it has on board. Detailed description here.

Last edited 18 Apr 2013 at 13:15.

Gregory Avatar 
2617 posts
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18 Apr 2013 at 09:19
Over 11 years ago


I found some designs for an orbital fuel station, practiced docking (which is a pain in the ass) then launched all my equipment in stages and reassembled in orbit. This was time consuming but it made subsequent missions easier.

Maximus Avatar 
2157 posts
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18 Apr 2013 at 09:20
Over 11 years ago


Good idea although even your cheat sheet is confusing me!

I think i just need to keep playing the turtorials until i can do them in my sleep before i start the game proper

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By James (Jimbobslimbob) Compton