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NWN XP Scaler


(Games - Neverwinter Nights)

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Last Update: 25 Jul 2018
Released: 24 Jul 2018

NWN XP Scaler Screenshot
A simple little program that allows you to scale XP granted from enemy encounters from 1% all the way up to 5000%.

To use, just select a location and name for the xptable.2da file (you should default to this name and place it in your override folder), select the scale and click Process. The program will write the file to the specified location. The next time you boot up NWN, XP will be scaled accordingly. In the EE of NWN, the override folder is located in Documents\Neverwinter Nights\override

Please note that this has the potential to severly unbalance the game if extreme values are used. Use at your own risk.

To return XP to normal, simply delete the xptable.2da file in your override folder.

By James (Jimbobslimbob) Compton