Last Update: 5 Dec 2024
Released: 22 Mar 2018
This program is a companion Discord bot for my Game Server Manager (GSM) that allows you to remotely start, stop, restart, backup, update, change parameters and send commands to GSM via Discord.
Commands currently supported:
!start - Starts the server
!stop - Stops the server
!backup - Performs a backup
!update - Performs a full update (maintenance) cycle
!restart - Restarts the server
!parm1 - Restarts the server with parameter set #1
!parm2 - Restarts the server with parameter set #2
!send xxx - Sends the specified command (xxx) to the server
!profileswitch xxx - Switches GSM profile to the one specified
!ipaddress - Get the server IP address
!screenshot - Takes a screenshot and posts to Discord
!serverload - Get the server current CPU and RAM usage
roll dx - Rolls a x sided dice
flip a coin - Flips a coin
time - Displays the server time